Hmmm.... This one i really, really did not like all that much....
I feel like, after getting THE reason as well as reading the rest of the Book, it did not leave me satisfied with anything about the plot and the characters. It didnt feel like we were builing up for THIS!
Ohhhh Con, you weak little hrmmmmm....
There were "major" revelations or plot twists that just left me feeling lukewarm about the whole thing.
This is the 18thBook, not counting side novellas and it did not feel like the last Book of such a long series and now we know it really isnt....
And counting the chapter, the last one at that, where Erith shows/tells Con and Rhi WHAT EXACTLY she´s REALLY been hiding??? Honestly? That was such a major What the f**k moment.... YOU ARE NOBODYS FRIEND, sneaky ass you...-.- Also Melisse and Henry are not THAT interesting either...Well Henry isnt...-.-
It really feels like some cheap move to sell the next Storyline/Arc whatever...
Maybe ill continue the Reapers Series, i dont know, its just yeah, this Book left a weird, cheap cop out taste behind....
Anyways, dont be misled by the blurb, our dude is not coming of half as strong as suggested....ugghhh