Donnerstag, 3. Dezember 2020
All i want for Christmas - Anthology
Ive only read the Storys by Lani Lynn Vale and Aurora Rose Reynolds and they were cute BUT SUPER, SUPER SHORT!!!!!
I love loooong Books, i can take some Novellas but i usuallyvneed more.
The minute i got into it, they were already over...
But since that might just be greedy me, please dont let me stop you ;)
Donnerstag, 3. September 2020
Inferno by Donna Grant
Hmmm.... This one i really, really did not like all that much....
I feel like, after getting THE reason as well as reading the rest of the Book, it did not leave me satisfied with anything about the plot and the characters. It didnt feel like we were builing up for THIS!
Ohhhh Con, you weak little hrmmmmm....
There were "major" revelations or plot twists that just left me feeling lukewarm about the whole thing.
This is the 18thBook, not counting side novellas and it did not feel like the last Book of such a long series and now we know it really isnt....
And counting the chapter, the last one at that, where Erith shows/tells Con and Rhi WHAT EXACTLY she´s REALLY been hiding??? Honestly? That was such a major What the f**k moment.... YOU ARE NOBODYS FRIEND, sneaky ass you...-.- Also Melisse and Henry are not THAT interesting either...Well Henry isnt...-.-
It really feels like some cheap move to sell the next Storyline/Arc whatever...
Maybe ill continue the Reapers Series, i dont know, its just yeah, this Book left a weird, cheap cop out taste behind....
Anyways, dont be misled by the blurb, our dude is not coming of half as strong as suggested....ugghhh
Dienstag, 25. August 2020
Eagle Elite Series by Rachel Van Dyken
Im not going to review every single Book in this series, because its been a minute since i read the them.
Beware, you can enjoy this series though you do have to get trough the first Book, which is hooorribly horribly meeeeh and you will have to suspend your believe BIG TIME!
That said ive read them all back to back and that includes:
#1 Elite - 2 Stars
# 1.6 Evoke - 2 Stars
#2 Elect - 2.5 Stars
#3 Entice - 3 Stars
#4 Elicit - 2.5 Stars
#4.5 Enamor -2.5 Stars
#5 Ember - 2.5 Stars
#6 Elude - 2 Stars <--- Why did i do this to myself? This was NOTHING but heartbreak!!
#7 Empire - 2 Stars
#8 Enrage - 3 Stars
#9 Eulogy -2 Stars
Elite Bratva Brotherhood
Debase - 3Stars
RIP - 3Stars -Standalone
Mafia Royal´s
#0.5 Royal Bully - 3 Stars
#1 Ruthless Princess - 3.5 Stars
So these ratings arent exactly high, that said ive read the whole series and its Spin-Offs in a binge...
They were entertaining enough in a sense to me, like reality TV i
Their respective blurbs tell you everything you need to know, so enjoy or not... Just be cautious and again SUSPEND YOUR BELIEVE because Mafia Bosses in College??? While ruling The Family/Families and multiple Billion-Dollar Empires at the same time??
The Princess Knight by G.A. Aiken
I loooooooooove the works of G. A. Aiken, as well as the Books she publishes under her other pen name Shelly Laurenston.
So imagine my surprise and sheer happiness at having gotten my hands on an ARC for the Princess Knight, which will be out on November 24.
This is the second installment for her new Series, The Scarred Earth Saga and follows Book#1 The Blacksmith Queen. Which i adored.
The romance aspect of this Book is rather small, our heroine is wayyyy too busy kicking ass and taking names....! And i loved it just like it is!
Ill admit to loving Keelys Book, The Blacksmith Queen, a tad bit more but that doesnt say much.,
as i absolutely loved beeing back in this world.
The Series plays out in the same world as the Dragon Kin Series, though you do not need to read it beforehand, id absolutely totally recommend it because its just as funny, if not more so and tends to be quite a bit more "romantic". Especially the first Book, Dragon Actually.
And also The Dragon Kin Books have Annwyl, anybody needs more reasoning than Annwyl to read Books?? Not
G. A. Aiken writes her stories with an incredible amount of humour, strong female leads and sweet romances.
I had a great time getting to now our main characters in this installment and the very lasrt chapter/pages killed me!!!!! Im dead and i soooo need the next Book! I dont even care who it will be about, itll be awesome and i wont spoiler it for you, but my god if our surpise visitor isnt one of my favourite people in the Bookworld and this is going where im hoping it will, i kinda wanna live ín Aikens head for I cant wait!
This Book is is really good and id absolutely recommend it! Humor, Kickass and happy ever afters....
Montag, 24. August 2020
Flame by Donna Grant
Flame is the 17th installment of the Dark Kings Series by Donna Grant, so if you made it thus far, i guess its safe to say you´re invested in this series...^^
I loved it, we actually got further with the plot! This was a really good installment for this series and set the stage up perfectly for the next Book.
Now i need to get my greedy little handy on that one!!! Because RHI!!!! Who doesnt love the most Kickass heroine in the Series?? And who does deserve her HEA if not Rhi??? Also i HATE Constantine!!!!!! Jesus, the U-B***h?? Are your Serious?? Sorry i had to get this out, i expect epic grovel!!Literally EPIC GROVEL DUDE! She believed they were friends! and u do this? Notthat it just came out, we been knew this!! but were getting to their Book and its still killing me!! Gah!
Freitag, 3. Juli 2020
Something about that Boy by Lani Lynn Vale
This is no different.
Loved Banner and Perry. They were cool for teenagers...
3.5 Stars.
Talon by Carian Cole

This installment was okay for me but there was was so much drama thrown in for the sake of drama so it just felt like it was draggggiiiing on for way to long.. I dont mind long Books because i never really get into novellas, by the time im invested, the Book is over.. But i also need it to be carried either by plot or just be plain entertaining in some way and this wasnt so much... But i did like the storyline and the author seems interesting and has a good way of making her characters individual. They are distinctly different from each other. So while one Book in this series can be a complete miss (#1 Storm) a dnr (#2 Vandal) or a 5 Star read (#3 Lukas) another can just be okay.. And and since they can be read as stand-alones i think ill give the next one a try...
3 Stars from me.
Montag, 29. Juni 2020
Lukas by Carian Cole
I absolutely adooooored the Hero in this Book, he was unusual, sweet, gentle, sexy, gentlemanly and so swoonworthy and i do NOT say that lightly.
There were two other Books before this one, in this series.
#1 Storm. Meeeh, not worth reading, the heroine is atrociously annoying, if you can live without context about the dudes family, then dont do this to yourself.
#2 Vandal. Did not read, reasons are as i stated in my review for Storm and i didn't need more than that to follow the plot in this one.
Storm by Carian Cole
Weeeell, i cant say i wasnt warned that most people found the heroine annoying and boy was she!!!!!!!
I cant stress this enough, if you dont have a high tolerance level for whiney, dont read this because Blizzard Chick takes crown and throne in the whiney-heroine-competition!
Ooooh and theres cheating going on.... So yeah... Im gonna skip Book two(dont know if there's cheating too, but its personal reasons***Spoiler for Book two***
don't wanna read a Book where the Hero accidentally falls asleep at the wheel and kills his child, not gonna like reading through it, so why bother?!*****) ...
Maybe ill pick up the third... We'll see...
1 of 5 Stars
Donnerstag, 25. Juni 2020
Hooking Him by Aurora Rose Reynolds
This was a much needed bit of sweet and lovely.
It was a cute, boy meets girl = happlily ever after story.
Also, i looooooved Edie, Pearl and Dixie..👌👌
3 sweet-cheesy-goodnes Stars
Dienstag, 23. Juni 2020
Anyhow, Im baaaaaaack, that is if anybodys still reading this lol
Ive just been reading the Deception Series by D.H. Sidebottom and Ker Dukey.
There are two main works and a novella, these Books are dark erotica and NOT for the faint of heart.
So here are my thoughts on these....
Book #1 - 3 of 5 Stars
Book #2 - 3 of 5 Stars
Ahhh my poor little innocent
To be honest i was happy about the ending.
It WAS a bit too dark for me, so i really needed the ending to be exactly how it happened...
2 down 1 more to go and then ill read the cheesiest, nicest, pink lil ol Book i can find 😂😂😏
Book #2,5 - 1 of 5 Stars
So im currently still reading this one, ill let you know what i think when im done....✌
Update (06042020):Meeh i did not connect to the story nor the characters, the time they had together as a couple was jus two/three quick chapters...Novella or not it was not enough to get me involved or interessted.