Keeping What´s His is the first installment of Jamie Begley´s new Series The Porter Brothers Trilogy.
Once upon a time Sutton Creech and Tate Porter loved eachother but now there´s only mistrust and bitterness.
The story begins when Sutton returns to Treepoint to settle some things after beeing away for a very long time. She´s been trough hell and doesnt believe there´s more for her out there in the world can Tate get over himself and show her differently?
Oooohhhweeeeee i couldnt wait to read this and it might have been a bit different from what i expected to get my Hands on but this was pure Jamie Begley and i loved it!
It was emotional, it had me want to kick Tates ass on occasion (Greers as well ;), positivley steamy, it had me laughin out loud and cheering for Sutton especially.
This was also a promising start for the next Books in this Series and i for one
cant wait to hear from the rest of the Porter Brothers!
Legacy is the third and last installment in The Freaks MC Series.
I loved all three Books in this Series, A Family Man beeing the first and completely different than any other Books, with a long journey and many difficulties, Sanctuary beeing the second and so vibrant and also with a long and difficult journey but Legacy is definately my favourite.
There were many emotions i felt while reading Legacy and rolling around the floor laughing or shedding many tears were just some of the outcomes for me.
I loved, hated and just felt for all the Characters.
These Books, but Legacy especially, will definately stay with me.
I absotluely recommend reading all three Books back to back.
The first Book of Jamie Begley´s new Porter Brothers Trilogy KEEPING WHATS HIS is soon to be released, on September 29!! Wheeeheeeew!!!
Blood in the Water is the first Book of the Kairos Series and it´s Paul and Ashleighs Story.
It starts of with a long view into the protagonists past and lots of backound info and i loved it.
Alternating POV´s telling us so much about Samuel, Paul and Ashleigh and other members as well.
The glimpses of their childhood, incarceration, the way and why they became who they are now, made me that much more invested in everybody and this story.
When Ashleigh and Paul finally meet, they are very much instantly attracted to eachother but neither one of them is ready to give in. -Of course this beeing a romance they dont stand a chance ;)
Their Story is not free and easy, there is heartbreak, there is danger, there is loss but there is love, passion, family, forgiveness and brotherhood too.
Ashleigh is a strong heroine, independent with a mind of her own and Paul is full of dedication, strenght and loyalty.
I´ve read a couple of FCP Authors and their Books by now and i really did love some of them, this one beeing no exception. The Story was great and has me looking forward to the next Book in the Series Bones by the Wood.